Petroleum exploration and exploitation in Red River basin has been carried since the early 1960s of the 20th century, however until now its effectiveness has been still limited. Recently, the oil price is constantly changing so the efficiency of petroleum exploration and exploitation is particularly considered. Therefore, the assessment of petroleum potential and the direction of exploration are not only scientific research but also economic problem for developing countries in which there is Vietnam. The article considers that characteristic of carbonate petrography is along with intergration of interpreted seismic –stratigraphy and well logs, geochemistry analytic results of source rocks and related literatures as well. The purpose is to predict the petroleum potential of carbonate rock in block 106 and serve effectively in Petroleum exploration and exploitation in Red River basin Based on the analytic results, carbonate rock in the study area was impacted by tectonic activities such as mechanic compaction; dissolution forming fractures, stylolites; and post-depositional processes as recrystallization of minerals, creating vuggy, mouldic and intraparticle pores and dolomitization as well. Carbonate rock contains fossils as foraminifera, coral, algae, echinoderm with subordinate brachiopod, bryozoa. Most of them are mudstone, wackestone with mud-supported and packstone is made up of abundant fossils. Locally, carbonate rock was fractured and filled up by calcite and silic. Oil and gas traces have been discovered in Mesozoic carbonate rock, block 106, northern Red River basin. Fractured carbonate rock and weathered carbonate rock in the structures as A, C and E are oil fields. Oil migrates into traps that were early formed in fractured carbonate basement rock masses that were buried in pre-Kainozoi.
Issue: Vol 2 No 6 (2018)
Page No.: 146-164
Published: Jan 26, 2020
Section: Original Research
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