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Chlorophenol is a group of toxic and presistent compounds in soil. Investigation on an appropriate procedure is very important to quantify all chlorophenol congeners. All parameters in ultrasonic combined with soild phase C18 extraction (SPE_C18), and then high performance liquid chromatography/ UV detector were selected and optimised. Various soil samples contaminated by chlorophenols containing from 0.67% to 2.36% of organic matter and clay content from 1.37%–22.30% were selected and examined. The results showed that a group of 3–chlorophenol, 3,4–dichlorophenol, 3,5–dichlorophenol, 3,4,5– trichlorophenol, 2,3,4,6–tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,5– tetrachlorophenol, pentachlorophenol contaminated in soils has high recovery efficiencies (>70%) with low standard devitation (<7%). This method is suitable to analyze chlorophenol in soil with limit of detection (LOD) about 0.2mg/kg and limit of quantification (LOQ) about 1mg/kg. This research is helpful in risk assessment of chlorophenols contaminated in soil and suitable in Vietnam.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 2 No 2 (2018)
Page No.: 118-124
Published: May 18, 2019
Section: Original Research

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Doan, T., Le, V., To, H., & Ngo, T. (2019). Investigation a clean up procedure for chlorophenols in soil by ultrasonic and solid phase extraction. Science & Technology Development Journal: Natural Sciences, 2(2), 118-124.

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