In this study, we presented the method for calculation the absolute dose in the Monte Carlo simulation following the prescription of Popescu et al for the 6 MV photon energy. The BEAMnrc was used to simulate 6 MV photon beams from a Siemens Primus M5497 linear accelerator at DongNai general hospital. The DOSXYZnrc was then used to calculate the dose distribution in a homogeneous phantom (in form of CT images). The absolute dose obtained from the MC and TPS were compared with measured ones using an ion chamber (Farmer Type Chamber FC65-P, IBA). The average doses discrepancy between the simulated and measured dose was 0.53±0.37% and between the simulated and TPS was 1.00±0.51%. Results showed good agreement between simulated, measured and calculated dosed on a homogeneous phantom.
Issue: Vol 2 No 5 (2018)
Page No.: 90-96
Published: Jul 2, 2019
Section: Original Research
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