The purpose of this study is to verify and compare the three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT) dose distributions calculated by the Prowess Panther treatment planning system (TPS) with Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for head-and-neck (H&N) patients. In this study, we used the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code which includes BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc programs. Firstly, the clinical 6 MV photon beams form Siemens Primus linear accelerator at Dong Nai General Hospital were simulated using the BEAMnrc. Secondly, the absorbed dose to patients treated by 3D-CRT was computed using the DOSXYZnrc. Finally, the simulated dose distributions were then compared with the ones calculated by the Fast Photon Effective algorithm on the TPS, using the relative dose error comparison and the gamma index using global methods implemented in PTW-VeriSoft with 3%/3 mm. There is a good agreement between the MC and TPS dose. The average gamma passing rates were 92.8% based on the 3%/3 mm. The average dose in the PTV agreed well between the TPS with 0.97% error. MC predict dose was higher than the mean dose to the parotid glands and spinal cord compared to TPS. We have implemented the EGSnrc-based Monte Carlo simulation to verify the 3D-CRT plans generated by Prowess Panther TPS. Our results showed that the TPS agreed with the one of MC.
Issue: Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Page No.: 90-99
Published: Aug 9, 2019
Section: Original Research
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