Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) are two popular heavy metals using in the mining operation, metallurgic industry, metal plating facilities, etc., and their effecs on the environment and human health are quite seriously. Application of a new adsorbent γ-PGM (-poly glutamic acid coated magnetite) is one of the new methods to separate toxic heavy metals Cu and Zn from water and wastewater. This study showed that 0.2 g/L γ-PGM at pH 6 with the shaking speed 200 rpm in 10 minutes were the best conditions for removal of Cu and Zn. The efficient removal of Cu and Zn was 99.91 % and 99.75 %, respectively. Besides, regeneration the ability of γ-PGM particles reached to 12 times while using hydrochloric acid HCl 0.1 N for 1 hour for desorption of the materials which is the best optimal conditions for separating Cu2 + and Zn2 + ions from the surface of γ-PGM particles. The results indicated that γ-PGM was the potential material for the application to the heavy metals removal in water and wastewater with various outstanding characteristics.
Issue: Vol 1 No T3 (2017)
Page No.: 47-54
Published: Sep 30, 2017
Section: Original Research
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